

Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

baptisan roh kudus

Baptisan Roh Kudus
Menerima hidup kekal berarti menerima materai Roh Kudus yang menjadikan kita milik Allah selamanya. oleh sebab itu setiap orang percaya harus mengenal pribadi dan pekerjaan Roh Kudus.
A. Memeteraikan orang percaya.
" ... didalam Dia kamu juga, ketika kamu percaya, dimeteraikan dengan Roh Kudus, yang dijanjikan-Nya itu. Dan Roh Kudus itu adalah jaminan bagian kita sampai kita memperoleh seluruhnya, yaitu penebusan yang menjadikan kita milik Allah ..." Ef 1:13-14
B. Menolong dan menghibur orang percaya.
" ... Aku akan meminta kepada Bapa, dan Ia akan memberikan kepadamu seorang penolong yang lain, supaya Ia menyertai kamu selama-lamanya,..." Yoh 14:15-17
C. Memenuhi orang percaya.
"... tetapi hendaklah kamu penuh dengan Roh Kudus" Ef 5:18
Setiap orang percaya harus terus menerus dipenuhi oleh Roh Kudus. Pengalaman pertama kali orang percaya dipenuhi Roh Kudus disebut Baptisan Roh Kudus ( Mat 3:11)
Yesuslah pembaptis Roh Kudus itu.
Baptisan Roh Kudus artinya: Roh Kudus yang telah berada didalam diri orang percaya, mulai bekerja melalui orang percaya tersebut untuk menjadi berkat bagi orang lain.
Apakah Tujuan Roh Kudus?
"Tetapi kamu akan menerim kuasa, kalau Roh Kudus turun keatas kamu, dan kamu akan menjadi saksiku..." Kis 1:8
Kuasa Apakah yang akan diberikan kepada orang percaya?
" ...Kamu akan menerima karunia Roh Kudus". sebab bagi kamulah janji itu dan bagi anak-anakmu dan bagi orang yang masih jauh, yaitu sebanyak yang akan dipanggil oleh Tuhan Allah kita" Kis 2:38-39
Tanda Baptisan Roh Kudus
  • Bahasa Roh
  • 9 Karunia-karunia Roh
  • 8 untuk meneguhkan orang lain.
  • 1 untuk meneguhkan diri sendiri/bahasa roh
Penghalang-penghalang baptisan Roh Kudus
  • Kepahitan (ef 4:30-32)
  • Praktek Okultisme (Ul 18:10-13)
  • Ketakutan (Luk 11:10-13)
  • Tidak percaya (Yak 1:6-8)
Persiapan menerima Baptisan Roh Kudus
  • Percaya Roh Kudus telah ada didalam kita
  • Berserah kepada Tuhan untuk dipakai menjadi berkat.
  • Bertindak untuk mengucapkan bahasa Roh yang telah diberikan didalam hati kita.
Ya, saya ingin menerima baptisan Roh Kudus

chicken noodle soup

chicken noodle soup

baby, (all of the sudden) it's cold outside
There are about as many recipes for chicken noodle soup as there are people who enjoy it, which is everyone. Well, everyone but me. I understand that announcing that one does not like chicken noodle soup is tantamount to saying that one dislikes comfort, thick sweaters on brisk fall days, well-padded shoes for long walks and sips of tea from a steamy mug. I get this. But in my defense, I am not the one who broke it. getting started
browning the onions, wisp of steam
I cannot take responsibility for delis that keep a batch of soup at a low simmer 24/7, until the noodles are gummy and the bits of chicken taste like death itself. I find it depressing that few recipes on the first three pages of Google results for chicken noodle soup image that one might want to make it from scratch, that an “old fashioned chicken noodle soup” recipe on one of the largest food websites out there has you begin with eight cans of low-sodium chicken stock. I am equally suspicious of chicken soups that have you cook the chicken to a point beyond repair and then discard the meat, because my inner Depression-era granny (frankly, outer, too, on days where I don my aforementioned thick cardigan and padded shoes) would fall over at the thought that people cook a chicken only not eat it, and therefore, maybe so should we. I am uninspired by soups that have you cook the chicken so briskly in the name of saving it for later leaving just a pale, weak broth behind. And with this, what happened is what always happens when I attempt to explain in great detail why I have no love for a certain dish: I ended up making it anyway.
not bad for a 40 minute chicken broth
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pumpkin cinnamon rolls

pumpkin cinnamon rolls
Something kind of terrifying is going on around here, and it started in the back of the closet. I found shoes there, old shoes, shoes that did not fit. They had to go. Thus far, this is the snoring-est horror story yet, but wait, the discontent simmers: Half the closet followed, all of the plastic hangers that drove me batty were replaced with nonslip ones, sweaters were color-sorted, dresses were arranged by season and my husband’s closet is on notice too. pumpkin rolls, let's do this
it's the most wonderful time of the year
It gets worse: What began as a vague declaration that “this coffee table needs to be replaced” turned into an entire living room overhaul, from a fresh paint job to a new sofa, chairs, and yes, tables too. The throw pillows are looking nervous, as well they should. The kitchen cabinets got purged and everything that remained went into airtight glass jars. With labels. It’s like Aunt Pinterest came to town in there. Lest you think my three year-old has escaped my high straightenance bender, I bought every single pair of his pants in two sizes this fall, in case he goes on another wild growth spurt right around the time the universe runs out of pants; I picked up his Halloween costume on Labor Day weekend, and then, the shelves in his room just didn’t feel right to me and it turned out they were missing colorful baskets to hold his toys.
mixing and mixing in new glass bowl
... Read the rest of pumpkin cinnamon rolls on